Fuel the Future

Who We Are

Fueling the Movement is here to highlight people with diverse backgrounds, people of color, our LGBTQ+ friends, and anyone with a story to tell. Our mission is to fuel others by spreading awareness of the beauty of diversity, with the goal of a future infused with equality for all.


Meet Phelan.

Featured Fuel

Inspirational Fuel


“We Will Now Cancel Us”

“We are socialized to see what is wrong, missing, off, to tear down the ideas of others and uplift our own. To a certain degree, our entire future may depend on learning to listen, listen without assumptions or defenses.”

Featured Artist: Queer Making Community CollectiveIn honor of The International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia we are highlighting an amazing creative collective, Queer Making Community Collective, who embodies the love and celebration that is the LGBTQ+ community.

Featured Artist: Queer Making Community Collective

In honor of The International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia we are highlighting an amazing creative collective, Queer Making Community Collective, who embodies the love and celebration that is the LGBTQ+ community.

Have a story? Know someone with a story? Share it with us!